Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am Officially LAMB #435

Hey all!
I know I've been a little slack on my blog this week, but there's 2 reasons (excuses) for it.
Firstly, Monday I went to Raggamuffin, a Reggae music festival. Fantastic music but got stoned just by standing in the crowd. Ended up with the munchies by the time I got home! No where near a computer all day.
Secondly, Tuesday was Australia Day. It's un-Australian to do anything that can be considered work on Australia unless you don't have a choice (i.e. those serving food to the rest of Australia who can't be shagged cooking).
Those are my defenses and I'm sticking to them.

But on the "good news" front, I have officially been welcomed as a member of LAMB (Large Association of Movie Blogs). I am LAMB #435. Check my post out here.
Large Association of Movie Blogs

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